SyncDog’s Mobile Endpoint Security Solution Named Gold Winner in 18th Annual Cyber Security Global Excellence Awards
Whether you’re working from home, back in the office or doing a hybrid model, your organization’s mobile workforce has expanded. Enterprise mobility can increase productivity, but if ineffectively managed and secured, can present serious security risks. The...
Top 3 Mobile Threats in 2022: Add Mobile Security to Your New Year’s Resolution
The holidays have come and gone ! And, while many of us were using the time to take a much needed break from work and to spend more time with our loved ones, hackers were doing just the opposite and gearing up for coming year. We’ve all said the phrase “new year, new...
3 Common Challenges Businesses Face in Endpoint Security
Technology advances and new IoT innovations, along with a growing number of an organization’s endpoints, have increased the probability of network penetration. Cyber threats are more abundant and dangerous than ever before, underscoring the need for efficient...