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mobile ux

By: Brian Egenrieder, CRO, SyncDog

It’s no secret that user experience (UX) is always a key focus (or should be) in application development, as it often has a notable influence on user adoption when working to fulfill end users’ specific needs. But, change is always a challenge to overcome, no matter how beneficial the new app might be. After all, Lotus Notes users complained about transitioning to Outlook, and other more modern email clients, only because the experience felt different – not worse, just different.

The simple truth is that end-users tend to resist change, only until they realize the new experience can make their lives easier or their processes more efficient.

Here at SyncDog, mobile UX is a major focus in our Secure.Systems product.

With many of our customers having already had a bad experience with previous mobility solutions, we go to great lengths to ensure our interface is intuitive, as familiar as possible, and easy to adopt. Taking UX a step further, we incorporate additional tools and functionality that end users might not even be aware are options on mobile devices, which often entices them to get underway with our solutions all the faster.

As an employer adopting Secure.Systems into your company’s technology and security arsenal, a “best practice” is to inform your team you have found a user-friendly tool that protects company data on their personal devices without disrupting ‘business-as-usual’.

Secure.Systems eliminates the need to carry multiple devices and the need to constantly log in and out of other tools and data resources to get the job done. No more intrusive password policies on the device itself either – why do you need a complex password that has to change every 3 months just to get on your phone to send a text or to look at Instagram or the like? Finally, and maybe most importantly, it ensures end-users’ personal privacy and conforms to new regulations mandating such actions.

Conversely, if a company simply asks their team, “Which email app do you like better?” the end-users will choose their current solution every time, regardless of whether they are using Outlook, Gmail, native or any other. It’s critical to position the advantages of the new environment and the protections it offers the company or, depending on the situation, some companies are able to simply send the message that if mobile workers want to use a single device for both work and personal, then they NEED to use the SyncDog environment.

After all, the benefits of consolidating devices and/or getting rid of the “company is always watching” stigma of MDM profiles on personal devices, is usually more than sufficient enough to get end users interested in trying the new environment.

The bottom line is that once users see how easy it is to adopt the new solution, and when the IT and security teams realize how much more secure data is, the value of the transition to SyncDog’s Secure.Systems will be obvious.


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