BYOD Security Threat
Tips to Reduce BYOD Security Risk in Your Enterprise
5 Tips to Reduce BYOD Risk in Your Enterprise
BYOD Will be One of Your Biggest Threat Vectors in the Next 12 Months
The IT cost savings from BYOD is undeniable, but the potential revenue loss and damage to your brand from cyber-breach is your greatest threat. This paper reviews how BYOD is fueling the fire for endpoint data risk and what you can do to reduce that risk.
According to the Ponemon Institute’s “Fourth Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy and Data Security,” 88 percent of healthcare organizations allow employee-owned mobile devices to connect to the hospital network, and more than half of employees take advantage of this policy. There are two primary motivations behind the BYOD approach: the convenience for employees of using a single device they’re familiar with, and the cost-savings organizations enjoy by not having to invest in hardware while improving worker productivity.
BYOD however, poses a serious threat to securing patient data and maintaining HIPAA compliance.
Learn more in this informative whitepaper titled “BYOD Security in Healthcare” from SyncDog.
What you will learn from this whitepaper?
- The dangers posed by allowing employees and contractors access to your HIT systems on personal devices (BYOD)
- How Information Security personnel views mobile threats from BYOD
- How valuable is healthcare patient data to cybercriminals
- How to prepare for BYOD threat and improve security across endpoint devices

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