+1.855.SYNCDOG (1-855-796-2364)

Enhanced Mobile Threat
Defense for Your Workforce

Secure.Systems and Symantec™ Endpoint
Protection Mobile Security Solution

Security for Your Mobile Team Without Compromising Productivity

  • Defend against threats that arise when working remote from your company’s network
  • Isolates sensitive corporate data behind company-owned encryption
  • Addresses cross-departmental mobile security concerns for BYOD and CYOD
  • Containerized integrations retain full functionality

SyncDog’s Secure.Systems and Symantec’s Endpoint Protection (SEP) Provides:

  • Anti-virus protection
  • Mobile threat detection
  • Data loss prevention

Why SyncDog?

Mobility is a requirement of the modern, agile workforce. A single instance of our dynamic mobile security solution, Secure.Systems, can be leveraged across your entire mobile workforce, including third-party contractors and consultants, without inhibiting productivity.

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